Saturday, March 31, 2018

Expressions the Day: "I only work for assholes if there is costume money involved"

"I only work for assholes if there is costume money involved"--who wouldn't want to make $184 a week for changing your pants?

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Term of the Day: psycho button

psycho button--when you accidentally or intentionally touch the one thing that will make an easygoing stagehand go berserk. Often, the relationship is never the same or completely destroyed. "I pushed his psycho button and he never spoke to me again."

Monday, March 26, 2018

Term of the Day: to kibbitz

kibbitz--(Yiddish )to chat, to offer advice, often unwanted, when another person is working. A kibbitzer is someone who chats too much on the job or offers unwanted advice. "After coffee, the extra men kept kibbitzing, so the head had to hustle them back to work."

Friday, March 23, 2018

Term of the Day: "I don't want to be a school marm, but..."

"I don't want to be a school marm, but..."--when you shouldn't complain, but you do anyway.

Term of the Day: "Sorry, I left early"

"Sorry, I left early"-- when you miss a cue late in the show, this can be your answer.

Term of the Day: to dish

to dish--to gossip about someone

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Term of the Night: walk-up business

walk-up business-- people who physically go to the box office and buy tickets on the day of. "My house manager said that 'SpongeBob SquarePants' is doing a lot of walk-up business."

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Term of the Night: Parrotheads

Parrotheads--fanatical fans of Jimmy Buffet, who are flocking to "Escape to Margaritaville," Buffet's new musical, despite a horrible review in the New York Times.

Term of the Day: "It's a big green ATM"

"'Wicked?' It's a big green ATM"--everybody-- producers, cast and crew at "Wicked," are minting money there. Fourteen years and counting.

Term of the Day: like fire to a caveman

 like fire to a caveman-- when you discover a new technology, maybe years later than other stagehands. "Getting a cordless Dremel was like fire to a caveman for me, even though they have existed for years."

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Stagehands I Have Known #3: Hurricane

Hurricane--mild-mannered stagehand known for periodic, unexplained explosions.

Term of the Day: "fake it 'til you make it"

"fake it 'til you make it"--when you don't have the skills to do the job you have, you try to fake it until  you have those skills. "The young PSM's first Broadway show was a massive musical and he was in over his head. I guess he has to fake it 'til he makes it."

Term of the Day--off the hook

off the hook--to go crazy, to act out. To escape consequences for your actions.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Overheard Stagehand Line #39: "You should live your life..."

"You should live your life with decency and self respect, but if you can't do that, I still need you to show up at 8 a.m."

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Monday, March 12, 2018

Term of the Night: "He's got a doghouse with a revolving door."

 "He's got a doghouse with a revolving door"-- said of a tempermental head who has different stagehands in the doghouse at different times.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Term of the Day: Act I closer

 Act I closer-- rousing number, ballad or solo that ends Act I.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Term of the Day: wonky

wonky-- not working properly, askew, faulty, shaky. "One of the casters was wonky, so the rolling unit kept fishtailing.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Overheard Stagehand Line #37: "More stagehands, more hours, more money"

"More stagehands,  more hours, more money"--when the tech or the shop screws up and the overtime kicks in by the second day of the load-in, a head can smile brightly and go, "more stagehands, more hours, more money." That is the solution.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Term of the Day: to lean on someone, to lean in on someone

 to lean on someone, to lean in on someone-- to apply pressure on someone. A loansharking term.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Term of the Day: geriatric bruisers

geriatric bruisers--older stagehands who have not noticed that age has diminished their street fighting skills.
Older stagehand: "If it was me, I'd take him in the alley and teach him some respect."
Younger stagehand: "Are you going to bring your walker?"

Term of the Night: clockers

clockers--around the clock work. "Last week, I did two clockers in the TV station."