Friday, March 11, 2022

Term of the Day: Mirror Ball Man

Mirror Ball Man--a Broadway carpenter fired for a mirror ball that crashed to the deck. "Under his watch, the carpenter allowed a badly rigged mirror ball to be suspended above the deck. He was fired after it crashed to the stage. Mirror Ball Man wound up getting another job."

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Term of the Day: stage dooring

stage dooring--going to the stage door after shows to collect autographs and to interact with Broadway actors. Severely curtailed nowadays with COVID. "My uncle from Queens was very big into stage dooring. When we went to a show, we had to wait for autographs outside the stage door."

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Term of the Day: on the bounce

on the bounce--when a stagehand works at multiple venues, not having a set home like a theater or a TV studio they work at regularly. Often referring to young stagehands. "After my show closed, I was on the bounce for several years, working between several theaters and CBS."