Saturday, February 15, 2025

Grim Site of the Day: murder bathroom

murder bathroom-- famously grim Broadway bathroom. Exposed concrete, the smell of urine and a creepy environment.. Nicknamed the "murder bathroom" by wardrobe. "There hasn't been a murder in the murder bathroom yet, but one day there will be." Bathroom was featured on Instagram. Also nicknamed the "saw bathroom," after the horror movie.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Term of the Day: Local One suicide bomber

Local One suicide bomber--when a stagehand seems intent on blowing up his or her job. "He was a good worker for me for five years, then suddenly turned on members of the crew, and even the boss. He seemed intent on getting fired, on blowing up his job on the show. He got his wish. He was a Local One suicide bomber."

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Term of the Night: to dog walk someone

 to dog walk someone--to publicly humiliate someone, to figuratively walk someone on a leash in front of others. Compliments of the rapper Cardi B.

Overheard Stagehand Line #70: "God left Broadway years ago."

 Stagehand #1: "The shop fucked up again. They forgot to send controller cables. God willing, they will come on the next truck."

Stagehand #2: "There is no God on Broadway. God left Broadway years ago."

Stagehand Warning of the Night: "know your assholes"

"know your assholes"-- "That middle-aged stagehand? She's famous for attacking other women on the job. You've been warned. Know your assholes."

Expression of the Night: "We hate the same people"

 "We hate the same people"--when stagehands are bonded by their mutual hate of the same people. "I love eating dinner with that guy. We have great conversations. We hate the same people."

Expression of the Night: "You can't hit a moving target"

 "You can't hit a moving target"--If you are working around the theater or constantly moving, management has a hard time nailing you, and stage managers can't find you. If you are in your office, with your feet on the desk, you become an easy target.