Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Overheard Stagehand line #41:"I only like 10 people"

 Stagehand to Head: "Why don't you ever hire me?"

Head: "I only like 10 people on Broadway and you are not one of them."

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Term of the Day: Shell Answer Man

Shell Answer Man--famously opinionated carpenter, now retired, who had an answer for everything. Name taken from the old TV commercials for Shell Oil, which had a character called the Shell Answer Man.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Term of the Day: stagehand first aid

stagehand first aid-- paper towel and electrical tape. "Doing construction, the electrician cut his hand. His partner gave him stagehand first aid, bandaging him up with a paper towel and electrical tape.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Combative Response of the Day: "I'm not a psychiatrist...."

"I'm not a psychiatrist...the damage was done long ago." In my first contract job, my boss hated me and kept trying to fire me. Once, he was screaming at me over a half-full trash can. With my sharp tongue, I cut him to bits. "I'm not a psychiatrist...the damage was done long ago," I said, feigning compassionHe was stunned speechless. The next day, he went back to trying to fire me. He never succeeded.

Term of the Day: a talkie

a talkie--straight play with only a handful of actors, maybe just two. Also, old slang from the 1920s, for movies with sound. "I want my next project to be a simple talkie, maybe just two actors," said the PSM.