adult daycare-- when an older boss comes to work every day, but delegates everything to his/her assistants, not working him/herself, using the job as a place to go. "The old head had entered the adult daycare period of his career, not leaving his office and only playing guitar all day."
Friday, January 31, 2025
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Overheard Stagehand Dialogue #66: Would you call that an auto-fucking?
Worried Stagehand: "Why have you stopped hiring me?"
Head: "I got sick of the bomb-throwing and the shit-stirring. I think you fucked yourself. Would you call that an auto-fucking?"
Expression of the Day: "no tools, no hardware, no interpersonal skills, no dignity"
"no tools, no hardware, no interpersonal skills, no dignity"--a Broadway production carpenter famous for coming to the theater empty handed and only bring his abrasive personality.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Term of the Night: a bomb thrower
a bomb thrower--stagehand who intentionally says provocative things, to stir the shit. Often collapses when confronted with their bullshit.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Term of the Night: The Disappearing Stagehand
the Disappearing Stagehand--a stagehand who constantly disappears during the workday. "A friend recommended a young stagehand. He was good, he worked hard and took initiative, then he started disappearing multiple times during the workday. I realized that I had unknowingly hired the Disappearing Stagehand. For my last magic trick, I disappeared him back to the replacement room forever.
Term of the Day: manna from the heavens
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Overheard Stagehand Dialogue #36: "less than nothing"
Stagehand #1: "That old carpenter? He stays in his room watching gun shows and screaming at the TV."
Stagehand #2: "Yeah, it is pretty amazing. I didn't know you could do less than nothing."
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Overheard Stagehand Line #64: "I don't trust that guy..."
Famous Tough Head: "I don't trust that guy... he's always smiling."
Term of the Day: the fix was in
Friday, January 17, 2025
Term of the Day: punch her ticket
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Term of the Night--hundred-dollar headache
hundred-dollar headache--the hundred extra dollars the contract ahead makes doesn't make up for the headaches. "For a hundred dollars more than his/her assistant, the contract head gets all the blame and abuse that he/she can stand. That is a hundred-dollar headache."
Overheard Stagehand Conversation #44: "I don't hit emotional cripples."
Stagehand #2: "He's out of luck. I don't hit emotional cripples."
Expression of the Day: a douchebag with a human face
a douchebag with a human face--pleasant-seeming person who does horrible things behind your back.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Term of the Day: "Let me think about this for a few minutes"
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Term of the Day: anger management issues
Term of the Day: loading in sideways
loading in sideways--when the load-in of a show is already fucked up, with major technical issues and possibly financial ones. Does not bode well for a long run.
Stagehand Dialogue #31: "...make sure he's dead..."
Young Stagehand: "When that tech dies, are you going to his wake?"
Old Stagehand: "Of course. I have to make sure he's dead."
Monday, January 13, 2025
Term of the Day: stagehand first aid
stagehand first aid-- paper towel and electrical tape. "Doing construction, the electrician cut his hand. His partner gave him stagehand first aid, bandaging him up with a paper towel and electrical tape.
Term of the Day--"Do it fast, do it wrong, do it over"
"Do it fast, do it wrong, do it over"--when stagehands work too fast and don't concentrate, the boss will have to make them fix their mistakes.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Expression of the Day-- "And the Easter Bunny is Dead"
"And the Easter Bunny is Dead"--your optimism is unwarranted, your dreams won't come true, your dreams will be crushed. "My extra man expressed hope that we'd get Sunday off during the last week of production. I said, 'That won't happen, and by the way, the Easter Bunny is dead.'"
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Term of the Day: unmake a bad stagehand
unmake a bad stagehand-- to cure a young stagehand of bad habits. "That TV commando I got from the hall? She was a nightmare, more obsessed with breaks than doing her job. I'll never use her again. I don't have time to unmake a bad stagehand."
Term of the Day: to walk someone in
to walk someone in--when a Broadway head with a lot of juice takes a protege and walks them into the office of the theater executive who hires heads. Also, to make an introduction to the the executive who does the hiring. For some legendary heads, this was a sure route of getting their own people hired as heads on Broadway.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Term of the Night: "Say anything, tell them nothing"
Term of the Day: uptight nice, uptight nasty
Term of the Day: to go Ghandi on someone
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Overheard Stagehand Line #54: "When the hateful old carpenter tantrums at work..."
Term of the Day: off-Broadway habits
off-Broadway habits--due to low pay, bad habits develop with some off-Broadway stagehands, including hiding, disappearing to make phone calls and vaping in the theater. "I hired some off-Broadway stagehands for a load in, but they couldn't seem to break some bad off-Broadway habits, like hiding at the end of the day when others were working."
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Expression of the Day: "no mopes, no shirks, no jerks"
"no mopes, no shirks, no jerks"-- "My hiring philosophy is easy to remember--no mopes, no shirks, no jerks."
Term of the Day: "I speak fluent Irish American"
Term of the Day: ticket back to the replacement room
ticket back to the replacement room-- when a stagehand burns his or her own bridges with a head. "The rude young extra man punched his own ticket back to the replacement room during the load-in. He would have to shape the union hall for work."
Term of the Day: out-assholing each other
out-assholing each other--when two stagehands ramp up attacks on each other. "At a job once, I was caught between a drunk and a dry drunk. They hated each other and spent all their time trying to out-asshole each other."
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Overheard Stagehand Line #55: "When the old carpenter finally forced the confrontation....
Term of the Day: Jersey Attitude
Jersey Attitude-- a stagehand with an aggressive, stubborn attitude. "The contract propwoman was very difficult, so I hired a day worker with a Jersey Attitude, to make her life hell during production." A Jersey Attitude can be a very effective weapon.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Overheard Stagehand Line #38: "Don't mind him, he's just being his usual asshole self"
Before he left Local #1 to become a nurse, the rage-filled stagehand used to threaten his fellow stagehands and the occasional star. I used to tell people, "Don't mind him, he's just being his usual asshole self."
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Combative Response of the Day: "I'm not a psychiatrist...."
"I'm not a psychiatrist...the damage was done long ago." In my first contract job, my boss hated me and kept trying to fire me. Once, he was screaming at me over a half-full trash can. With my sharp tongue, I cut him to bits. "I'm not a psychiatrist...the damage was done long ago," I said, feigning compassion. He was stunned speechless. The next day, he went back to trying to fire me. He never succeeded.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Overheard Stagehand Line #39: "Evil Gene was always happiest..."
"Evil Gene was always happiest when he was ripping off contract stagehands he'd hired of money they deserved." A reference to a now retired tech, famous for screwing stagehands who worked for him.
Overheard Stagehand Dialogue #43: "I don't fuck scabs"
(Two Onesies in a bar are talking)
Local One Stagehand #1: "That guy who is sweating you doesn't have a card."
Local One Stagehand #2: "I don't fuck scabs."
Local One Stagehand #1: "What, just kissing?"
Friday, January 3, 2025
Term of the Day: a Thanksgiving turkey
a Thanksgiving turkey--a show that opens in the early fall, doesn't sell tickets and closes by Thanksgiving.
Term of the Days: big-hair musicals
big-hair musicals-- big, epic musicals from the 1980's, like "Cats," "Les Misrables" and "Phantom of the Opera."
Overheard Stagehand Dialogue #42: "That old shark has a couple of good bites left"
Stagehand: "That tech keeps circling me...I think he's coming in for the attack."
Head: "Watch out..that old shark still has a couple of good bites left."
Term of the Day: All-Day Ray
Overheard Stagehand Line #33: "He never screwed me just for fun."
"That tech? He is the closest to honorable as techs get on Broadway. When I worked for him, he never screwed me just for fun."
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Term of the Night: strangling the golden goose
strangling the golden goose--when a stagehand makes a concerted effort to destroy his/her cushy job, resulting in firing or being forced out. "The deranged soundman attacked every department at the big juke box musical. Despite an overage, he attacked his boss, strangling the golden goose. He quit before his inevitable firing."
Term of the Day: a white whale
Term of the Day: small ears
small ears--a child. When a visiting child is in the building, cut your language. Or if there are children in the show, be more careful. "Watch out, there are small ears in the basement. Stop cursing."
Term of the Day: blood in the water
blood in the water--when there is blood in the water, the sharks will come. When a head is on the cusp of being fired, other stagehands will start circling around for his/her job. See also: the vultures are circling
Term of the Day: deep-seeded hatred of stagehands
Term of the Day: shark with a smile
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Overheard Stagehand Line #49: "I haven't been this hated..."
Term of the Day: work scared
work scared--when long-time stagehands at a venue fear for their jobs, and as a result are hostile to new or younger stagehands that come in.