Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Term of the Day: to be Nerded

 to be Nerded--when a show closes during the load in, usually when an investor pulls out. The musical "Nerds" was loading into the Longacre Theatre in the spring of 2016, when a truck pulled up with a large scenic flat. The production manager or carpenter told the stagehands not to unload the scenery and the truck went back to the shop. The load in was over and the show was dead. A lead producer later admitted that financing was not complete, but they grabbed an empty Shubert house, which are hard to get during the spring theater season. The same producer said "Nerds" was postponed, but the show has never been seen again.

The most recent Nerding happened on February 7th, 2024, when the one-man show "My Son's a Queer, But What Can You Do?" a London hit, stopped work during spotting at the Lyceum. The stagehands in the theater then started the restore that same day.

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