Friday, December 27, 2019
Overheard Stagehand Line #61: There are easy lessons and hard lessons...
There are easy lessons and hard lessons in the stage business...the young contract stagehand kept poking the house electrician in the eye, so he seemed to prefer the hard lessons.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Term of the Day: rank smell of self pity
rank smell of self pity-- when self pity lurks beneath the rage and violence. "During one of old carpenter's screaming tantrums on deck, I caught a whiff of the rank smell of self pity under the cursing and violence."
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Term of the Day: talking out of his ass
talking out of his ass-- when someone speaks with authority about something they know nothing about. "The stagehand was telling people that 'Mockingbird' was going to be moved. He was talking out of his ass."
Friday, December 13, 2019
Term of the Day: cold dead hands
cold dead hands--to take something away from me, I'd have to be dead. "If you want this job from me, you'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands."
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Term of the Day: bare-knuckle Broadway
bare-knuckle Broadway -- when all pretentions of art drop to the wayside and money is king. "The theater owners forced a show to close, hoping to make more money on the next show. That was an example of bare-knuckle Broadway."
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Expression of the Day: balls in a jar
balls in a jar-- castration reference, possibly as a response to violent behavior or other serious trouble. "When the theater owners finally put his balls in a jar, the violent old carpenter stopped attacking his co-workers. He retreated to his office and stayed there, watching gun shows and screaming at the TV."
Monday, December 9, 2019
Term of the Day: the Big Three, the non-Big Three
the Big Three, the non-Big Three--the big Broadway theater owners, which are the Shuberts, the Nederlanders and Jujamcyn, are the Big Three. The Shuberts own 17 theaters, the Nederlanders own nine and Jujamcyn owns five. The non-Big Three include the Circle in the Square, the Manhattan Theatre Club and the Roundabout (which owns the Sondheim, the American Airlines and Studio 54).
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Expression of the day: whiff of an attitude problem
whiff of an attitude problem-- a warning sign of the future problems of a bad attitude. "The young stagehand kept asking me for work, but I got a whiff of an attitude problem, so I never hired her."
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Overheard Stagehand Line #48: "She'll put you in three bags"
"My stagehand friend is very generous, but don't cross her...she'll put you in three bags and they'll find you in two different boroughs."
Overheard Stagehand Line #30: "She only speaks jerk."
Extra Man Referring to a Condescending Stage Manager: "She only speaks jerk." (A much harsher word was used in the original.)
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Term of the Day: tantrum du jour
tantrum du jour--for that irritable co-worker who always has a reason to explode about something.
Historical Analysis of the Day: "I am sure props invented the wheel..."
"I am sure props invented the wheel...I guarantee it!" Theatrical Teamster at a recent loadout making fun of the prop reliance on dollies when loading trucks.
Overheard Stagehand Line #59: "It's important to have an assistant who's as paranoid as you are"
"It's important to have an assistant who's as paranoid as you are"--it's important to have an assistant who will alert you to dirty dealings by the tech, SMs or the contract stagehand. They are your eyes and ears. These people will often try to screw you and try to break down the conditions.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Overheard Stagehand Line #40: "He's a talented stagehand..."
"He's a very talented stagehand, he's just not a talented human being."
Monday, December 2, 2019
Overheard House Manager Line #1: "After the second fuck you..."
"After the second fuck you, I throw them out of the theater"--a Broadway house manager, referring to recent uptick in uncivil behavior by patrons, most often from the New York area theatergoers. He prefers tourists for civility.
Term of the Day: conniption fit
conniption fit--hissy fit, freakout, often after a perceived act of stupidity
by another person. This outburst is usually accompanied by physical gestures,
hand waving or throwing things.
Term of the Day: to cut them off at the knees
to cut them off at the knees-- to thoroughly and publicly humiliate someone. "When the assistant porter challenged the house propwoman on deck during the load in, the propwoman cut the porter off at the knees, making quick work of her in front of a dozen stagehands."
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Term of the Day: half an asshole
half an asshole--stagehand who is unpredictable...not always nasty, but not very nice.
Term of the Day: an elaborate song and dance routine
an elaborate song and dance routine-- when someone gives you an elaborate story or uses an outright lie to cover up a fuck up or a personal error.
Term of the Day: deaf and dumb (D & D)
deaf and dumb (D & D)-- an old longshoreman's term. "He's deaf and dumb, he
didn't hear anything and can't say anything about it."
Term of the Day: the calvary ain't coming
the calvary ain't coming-- we are not going to be saved, the show is closing. "Despite the actor rumors that the producers are going to recast the show or the original Tony-winning star is coming back, the calvary ain't coming. The loadout is going on as scheduled."