Sunday, November 30, 2014
Old Term of the Day: the shape up
the shape up--when job seekers show up in the minutes before a load in or loadout starts, hoping to be put on because someone doesn't show. In Local #1, shape ups are uncommon now because in the last decade, most last-minute labor needs have been put through the replacement room. Again, a shape up is a term borrowed from the longshoremen. Twenty years ago, there would be three or four stagehands outside the loading door shaping on the first day of a big load in. That would be the shape up.
Term of the Moment: one and done
one and done--Sunday matinee. What crew members often say to each other on Sunday, at the end of a long week, when there is only one show
Passing the Buck Term of the Day: above my pay grade
above my pay grade--indicating you are not qualified to make a
decision, deferring a difficult or embarrassing decision to the bosses
above you. Washing your hands of a matter."Firing a dangerous stagehand is above my pay grade...ask the head."
Term of the Day: virtual shaping
virtual shaping: asking for work via Facebook or by email. A young stagehand asked me for work via Facebook recently. I was shocked. What ever happened to coming around to the theater to ask for work, to show you are serious and that you are in good shape to work? To state the obvious, virtual shaping is not shaping.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Nickname of the Day: Pockets
Pockets (proper noun): lazy stagehand who can always be found with his/her hands in their pockets.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Term of the Day: smalls
Term of the Day: smalls (n)-- small hand props, glassware, small items that have to be set in a particular place. "The propman was handed a box of smalls, a decanter and sherry glasses, that had to be placed around the set." (TV term)
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Term of the Day: carpenter focus
carpenter focus--when the carpenters smack into a low-hanging light ladder or a light boom, usually with a large rolling unit, changing the focus on the instruments.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Musician Term of the Day: Pit from Hell
Pit from Hell: because of the brutal score that has the brass players going almost nonstop for three hours, musicians often get hurt. Accidental projectiles occasionally come off the stage, as well.
Term of the Day: a stagehand favor
stagehand favor: you do something first, then you ask the person you need to ask. "I have a stagehand favor to ask..I needed to borrow your sawzall, so I used it this morning."
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Term of the Day: M.E.S.
M.E.S.: mysterious electrical shit. Recently at my show, an automation console crapped out. The man from the shop had no answer, but we thought that it was a case of M.E.S....mysterious electrical shit.