Friday, November 18, 2011
Term of the Moment: Road Whore
Road Whore: A stagehand who stays on the road, moving from show to show, with no plans to settle in one city. No sexual connotations, should be used for both sexes.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Term of the Moment: Regime Change
Regime change: Regime change just doesn't happen in Libya. When a long-time head is fired or abruptly retires, his or her crew may be thrown for a loop. What may have seemed like years-long or lifetime employment for extra men and women may suddenly end.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Item of the Moment: Stagehand Nap Blankets
Stagehand Nap Blankets-- I can sleep on any surface, including the concrete floor of an orchestra pit covered with a cheap fireproofed carpet, or on the bench of a radial-arm saw. I am in true stagehand heaven when I get ahold of one or two trucking blankets, which I recently heard referred to as Stagehand Nap Blankets.